Tuesday, October 23, 2012

independant component approval

                                    Blog #7 independent component 1 approval.

(I) I'm going to assist cooking with mom and grandma looking into Mexican recipes and looking into how and if theres an american cousin to it, in which case I'll note on what the diffrences are. I will also study the style of cooking from the american chefs through means of research and cooking shows, this will help me understand how it differs from the regional mexican food and american-mexican food.

(II) Working with my mom and grandma isn't going to be counted as hours but I will document notes and points of intrest in the creation of the dish. What will be documented are the hours and activities done over at the ROP I attend over at the pomona village.

(III) I will experience the creation of a mexican dishes and be able to distinguish the two styles because of the nature of the project it requires more of a hands on approach this way the cooking of it will be more understood by going through the process of creating a dish. I will take a photo of the final product to show what I've assisted in creating.

Blog #2 Going mexican

This originally started as an endevor to be a few diffrent things but right now I think were just interested in the mexican food ... It started with me wanting to go into being a comfort food cook because of how nice it was to relax people through food in an experience through four senses. Then I had to specify what "comfort food" to go into from there my project evolved into being a mexican food cook so that I do the same thing because read a few things and as it turns out as long as that food item (can even be gum! ) is linked to a great experience that food becomes a comfort food. So... I decided because my mom and nana cook mexican food in a mexican style It looks fun and almost always has crowds of people around their dishes (you know except when it's just me and either nana or mom) so I decided to go into mexican cuisine.

Blog #3 Interview Preparation -(prep for interview 1).

                                  Blog#3 Interview Preparation 

I'm going to interview Mr. H he's the guy that helped me get into the ROP classes that I'm currently taking he seemes to know alot in the subject of resturant management so I might be able to get some information from him, That and this would be an ok start for a first interveiw, and if I don't well He might be able to help direct me to a better source of information.
1.I'm studing mexican food what can you tell me about it?
2.From your point of veiw what could I study that would be sigificant to others?
3.Who else would you reccomend I talk to?
4.Are there any places or activities that I could go to to learn more about my subject?
5.do you know of any books or other resources that I can look into that would help me?

Interview Rnd. 2

1.What lead you to work at ROP?
2.How's your experience been so far?
3.What experiences and training did you have prior to working at ROP?
4.what did you do prior to your current occuopation?
5.What has changed in the restaurant industry since you started working at ROP.
6. What professional goals have you completed, can you explain?
7.what professional goals do you still wish to complete?

Blog #4 Project Reflection and Working EQ

                               Blog #4 Project Reflection and Working EQ

(1) I have found a few more people who I can talk top in the ROP classes it is nice to be able to cook every once in a while in the other class I work in with another mentor who I work with for an hour.

(2)the research that has finnally changed my subject to the mexican food was the article "The phsycology behind comfort food. " It showed me that as long as someone has a good feeling with the food or smell the body will have the relaxing stimulant released into the body.

(3)helping me so far is the teacher help, the ROP, and the research in the subject of what I'm doing.

(4) has'nt worked? every thing is working nicely sofar just, I need to be a little more active in the internet.

(5)Q's? What could I do to get a even better understanding on what the root of meican cooking is.
to what other aspects can mexican food apply to when looked at or approached in other ways.
My end goal is to be able to understand mexican food and see how I can share the experience of mexican cooking with everyone else.
I'm not experienced enough in my subject as it is so I woulden't know specifics as to what to answer to this part, I would like to speak with a true mexican cook who knows the older ways of mexican cooking though.

Blog# 5A Problem Statement (the problem with my project).

                              Blog# 5A Problem Statement 

Problem : Iread up somewhere that said that people who eat "mexican cuisine " are actually eating an american translation of the dish therefore not really gaining the true mexican experience. That is my problem

Blog #8Rough Draft of Presentation 1

                                                          Blog #8

10 minute presentation